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Welcome to my RAINBOW CONNECTION Web site!

In Life, Connection plays a vital role.  Technologies have advanced so far, Internet has made virtual connection possible globally with a touch of buttons.  With a thought in mind, knowing what you want and where you want to be, just get connected and another link will bring you nearer.

My RAINBOW CONNECTION simply reflects my life's journey and some of these connections that add colours to my life, as beautiful as rainbow.

Favorite Links

Interesting Products

If you like to know more about Buddhist Religion log in to:

bullet Spiritual Sharing at Awareness Place
bulletLearn about Buddhism
Come experience the wonders of Tupperware and BeautiControl.

Experience the before and after effect.  You will be amazed how these products and turn you upside down and change you inside out.




Look at my new online album filled with collection of meaningful cards that remind me to look at life in a light hearted spirit that makes every moments of my life an enjoyable experience. Thank you for browsing through my website, impress on my Guest Book if you feel connected in my world and share your soul searching thoughts with me.

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This site was last updated 03/10/04